Beneath the Cross of Jesus...

Come and sit with me at the foot of the Cross for a few minutes. It's a peaceful place-- a place where we come to realize that there was never anything to worry about in the first place. We can sit here with Jesus amidst the weeds of our lives and just ... be. And it's ok. This next week is a week of remembering Jesus' path to the Cross. We remember His resolute journey. Luke says, "He turned His face to Jerusalem". He knew where He was going and why, and He did not turn away. Jesus calls us to not "turn away" from ourselves. Just has He had to deal with fear and dread as He walked obediently toward His death, He calls us to continue, unflinching, in our quest for the whole self He made us to be. Last week we talked about the Shadow Self in each of us--the hidden parts of our hearts represented by the low scores on our Myers Briggs tests. I have been meditating on my hidden places. None of them is as extreme as my i...