Fixing our God-Image: God as Mother

We have been on a quest to find out what image of God we hold in our hearts, and asking God not to just repair, but transform our concept of Him. Because this is Mother's Day, I am thinking of my God-Image and how it was influenced by my perceptions of my mother. I've also asked God to search my heart, and the hearts of my children, for how I may have influenced my children's image of God for better or worse. It's been a humbling experience this morning. I've spent quite a bit of time discovering where my perceptions of my mother have crossed paths with my concept of God through spiritual direction and therapy, but this morning the Lord began bringing to my mind the ways in which He is replacing my fractured concepts of 'mother' with His perfect mothering. The nature of God as a mother is presented in great beauty and strength in Scripture as well as in the animal kingdom... Every day I look at alpacas as they mother their crias. The hover ...