The Magnificent Journey by James Bryan Smith

Here is an excerpt from a book we will start after Christmas in our Sunday School Class. We may also start it on Thursday mornings. It is the heart of discipleship and Christian Spiritual Formation. Smith is a friend and colleague of Richard Foster and co-founder of Renovaré. I think we will all enjoy and benefit from it. (please forgive the formatting--I had to convert it to a Word doc from a PDF in order to post it and some of the formatting suffered....) God bless you all. Cindy T H E M agnijtcent J O U R N E Y Living Deep in the K ingdom i:s INTE R V ARSITY PREss I Taken from The Magnificent Journey: Living Deep in the Kingdom by James Bryan Smith. Copyright © 2018 by James Bryan Smith. Published by InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL . t h e w Ay o f s U rr ende...