Knowing Me, Knowing God
Transformation February 27, 2012 Knowing Me, Knowing God Exploring Spirituality with Myers-Briggs by Malcolm Goldsmith Opening Prayer Myers-Briggs is a personality survey that shows you your God-given personality, even though it is not essentially a Christian instrument. Remember as we go forward that no personality type is better than another, but it's important to understand each other's differences. Our uniqueness affects everything we do, including prayer. Self knowledge is extremely important in the Kingdom of God. St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis of Assisi, and John Calvin all insisted that you must know yourself to know God, and vice versa. Although we are made to be unique, we sometimes attempt to model ourselves after someone else. Jesus doesn't say "Imitate me", but rather, "Love as I have loved you." We must start where we are, not where we think we should be, to relate to God and others, and to brin...