The Transformed Transformation Blog!

Welcome to the transformed Transformation Blog!  This is the new format for our blog.  It's a place where we can keep up with our studies in how God transforms us from the inside out.  Paul said, "Christ in me--the hope of glory!"

I will repost the last few blogs to this new address. The old address is about to become obsolete, so this new free format will replace it.

This new format will allow you to read, post comments, and keep up with what we are doing on Monday nights.  I hope you will participate and encourage others to do so as well.

You can sign up to receive notices of new postings as well, so you won't have to remember to come to the blog--it will send you a notice whenever there's a new entry.  All of this is free.  You just need a Google account to have access, which is also free.  :-)

Since tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, I will also post some random thoughts and reflections on this season of Lent leading up to Resurrection Day.

So, Welcome to the new Transformation Blog!


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