Finding the Heart’s True Home
by Richard Foster

Week 5
Part 1— Moving Inward
Chapter 4— The Prayer of Tears

“Tears are like blood in the wounds of the soul.” Gregory of Nyssa

Prayer Project Review

1.  Penthos
         broken and contrite heart
         inward godly sorrow
         blessed, holy mourning
         deep heartfelt compunction (heart sorrow)
         prayer of tears

2.  Cut to the heart over our distance and offense to God’s goodness. (Acts 2:37)
         Intimate and ultimate awareness that sin cuts us off from God.

3.  Hanging in the balance—our relationship with God.

4.  Charism of Tears = Deep Joy
         The knowledge that our sin is healed.

5.  Lord, let me receive the Prayer of Tears.

6.  Wolves—for when we cannot weep

7.  The fire of sin is intense, but it is put out by a small amount of tears, for the tear puts out a furnace of faults, and cleans our wounds of sin.”  John of Chrysostom

Gracious Jesus, it is easier to approach you with my mind than with my tears.  I do not know how to pray from the emotive center of my life or even how to get in touch with that part of me.  Still, I come to you as I am.
         I am sorry for my many rejections of your overtures of love.  Please forgive all my offenses against your law.  I repent of my callous and insensitive ways.  Break my stony heart with the things that break your heart.
         Jesus, you went through your greatest trial in unashamed agony and wept tears if deep, deep sorrow.  In remembrance of your sorrow help me to weep over my sin…and my sins. 
         For your sake and in your name, I pray.  Amen.

Prayer Project:
Continue with this morning routine:
·  Ask God to search your heart. (Psalm 139)
·  Ask God and your own soul what it means to be a living sacrifice in your daily life.
·  Search your own heart for who you think you are—a role that you hold on earth, or “in Christ”.  Confess those things to God.
Begin to practice Examen in the evening by asking 2 questions:
·  God, where was I with you today?
·  God, what do I need to bring before you tonight?
Ask the Lord to lead you to the “wolves” in your own heart.  Ask Him to hold your        hand in the “cave”, and guide you back into the light, ready to recognize each          one as you return them to the Cross.
Keep a journal if it is helpful.

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