Finding the Heart’s True Home
by Richard Foster

Part 3— Moving Outward
Chapter 18—Healing Prayer

“ Many great and wonderful things were wrought by the heavenly power in those days; for the Lord made bare his omnipotent arm, and manifested his power, to the astonishment of many, the healing virtue whereby many have been delivered from great infirmities.”
--George Fox


1.  Healing Prayer—part of the normal Christian life.
·      Not higher, not lower than any other form
·      A clear recognition of the incarnational nature of Christianity—the whole person

2.  Infinite Variety
·      Modern medicine
·      Psychiatry & psychology
·      Prayer
·      Cooperative efforts between all types
·      Most previous cultures found no difference between the branches—
·      the “healer” addressed all aspects of human suffering
·      Refusal to medical means of healing is not faith, but spiritual pride

3.  Start Small
·      Many people don’t know that God can work in the soul and spirit as well as the      body—story of the WWII soldier:
·      “Don’t you know that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who lives in the eternal now, can enter the old painful memory and heal it so that it will no longer control you?”
·      Start small—a cold or hurt feelings

4.  What about those you pray for who do not receive healing?
·      There are many factors—we don’t know—it is not ours to know
·      We should pray in any case. 
·      “We all live in a fallen world, where illness, suffering, and pain are part of the fabric of existence.”  Kenneth Swanson
·      The one praying or the one being prayed for might have blind spots, or behave in a way that is contrary to healing.
·      God is able and may use our prayers to heal both.
·      Blaming is never appropriate (John 9:1-12).  Always show compassion.
·      ‘Compassion’ comes from roots such as inward parts, bowels of mercy, womb.

5.  Laying on of Hands
·      Touch of compassion, ordained by God—not an empty ritual
·      Scripture presents it in tribal blessings, baptism of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Holy Spirit, and Healing prayer.
·      Hands don’t heal—Christ heals.
·      Act of obedience, quickens our faith
·      Sometimes the one praying will experience a gentle flow of energy from their hands.
·      We can’t make it happen, but we can stop it.
·      Not to be done flippantly (I Tim. 5:22)
·      Story of the little boy and his sick baby sister.                                   

6.  Steps of Healing Prayer
·      Listen—Step of Discernment
o   Listen to people
o   Listen for an inner “yes” that you are to pray while the person is talking.
o   Ask if they would like prayer—almost no one will turn you down.
o   Listen to God
o   Ask Him to show you the “key” to the problem—direct revelation, words-    beneathe-the-words
·      Ask—Step of Faith
o   Speak a definite, straightforward prayer—do not weaken it with if’s and’s or but’s
o   Don’t back off—don’t accept suffering as God’s will
·      Believe—Step of Assurance
o   Even if we find our belief is weak, remember that God is faithful—it’s not about us.
o   Mark 9:24
o   Concentrate on the love of God in Christ and His trustworthiness.  He commands us to pray for the sick, so we are obedient.
o   Some see healing as the pure white light of God
o   Story of Maria
·      Give Thanks—the Step of Gratitude
o   “Thank you Jesus that what we have seen and what we have said is the way it is going to be. Amen”
o   Gratitude itself is very powerful—story of the woman who didn’t know she needed healing

7.  Healthy Skepticism and Wholesome Faith
·      Sometimes remaining skeptical gives God an opportunity to show His faithfulness.
·      St. Augustine doubted healing prayer, so God demonstrated it for him
·      Do you, or someone you know, doubt healing prayer?

Closing Prayer
My Lord and my God, I have a thousand arguments against Healing Prayer.  You are the one argument for it…You win.  Help me to be a conduit through which your healing love can flow to others.
         For Jesus’ sake.  --Amen

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