Finding the Heart’s True Home
by Richard Foster

Part 3— Moving Outward
Chapter 20—Authoritative Prayer

“God has instituted prayer so as to confer upon his creatures the dignity of being causes.” Blaise Pascal


1.   Calling forth the will of God upon the earth.
·  A different category of prayer
·  Moses and the Red Sea—Exodus 14:15-16
·  Speaking to “things”—Joel’s ear
2.  Authority wedded to compassion
·  Speaking the truth in love
·  Abuses of authority—examples?
·  Combining Christ’s authority with His blessing
3.  Discernment and Prudence
·  Discernment is a gift (charism) of the Spirit
·  Divine ability to see what is really going on
·  Demon or illness or rebellion?’    
·  Spend time with those who have it—who do people seek out for advice?
·  Prudence is common sense—virtue of those seeking to live uprightly
·  Thinking about what the consequences of our actions might be
·  Manners, love, custom
·  Discernment and prudence together keep us from charging in and making a mess of things, even when we have the authority.
4.  Faith to Follow Our Leader
·  Mark 11:23
·  Mark 19:14-29
·  Prayer of Command
·  Be still!  Be clean!  Take up your bed and walk! Your sins are forgiven! Come out!
·  Jesus gave this authority to His disciples—us!  John 14:12
·  Not acting can be as dangerous as acting in excess.
·  When we feel prompted by the Spirit, we need to check with Prudence, but not be afraid to act.
·  Gloria’s story.

5.  Commonsense Counsels
·  Most things are mundane, not cosmic. Not every pain is a demon
·  Nothing special required—speak normally and do what is necessary in the moment
·  Draw on the Holy Spirit, the protection of the Light of Christ, the Angels assigned to the situation.
·  Firm and decisive with evil, gentle and compassionate with people
·  Authoritative prayer is not a substitute for disciplined habits of living.
·  Stay connected with others—you are probably not John the Baptist or Elijah.
·  Humility is key, even in our boldness.  We are just following orders.

6.  Spiritual Warfare
·      Christ’s authority—Eph. 1
·      Leads to our authority—Eph. 2
·      Results in us waging the warfare of the Lamb—Eph. 6
·      The principalities and powers of this present darkness—Eph 6:12
·      Examples of how that plays out in this world—greed, avarice, disobedience, distraction, injustice, oppression, sexual violence, racial strife, destruction, brutality.
·      Conquering King and Lamb that was slain
·      The Whole Armor of God—Eph. 6:13-18 
·      Overcoming evil with good

7.  Exercising our authority
·      Breaking inner vows that people have condemned themselves with—“negative self-talk”that becomes deep beliefs in our hidden hearts
·      Breaking curses that come from other generations.
·      Come against every mountain that hinders our progress in God.
·      Command fears to leave, reject evil thoughts and distortions, bind spirits of anger and jealousy and gossip.
·      Loose spirit of forgiveness and love and faith.
·      Expel demons.  Take authority over all things that stand in the way of our life in the Kingdom.
·      Come against social evil and institutional injustice.
·      Matthew 18:18

Here is a song that I think represents the authoritative-yet-compassionate nature of Authoritative Prayer.  It was written and published by the Waymarks, a group from the Northumbria Community in England.  I encourage you to get their album--it is a wonderful set of songs with a Celtic flavor that  are helpful in many of the areas we have studied in this book.

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