The Journey 

Invitation to a Journey ~ A Road Map to Spiritual Formation
M. Robert Mulholland & Ruth Haley Barton
Notes and writings on Spiritual Formation from the 
Institute for Spiritual Formation, Biola University

Lesson 10— Practice of Examen

Examen, from Robert Mulholland, Chapter 4

Year End Examen from
Dr. Catherine Hart Weber
Flourish in Life And Relationships
Hart Institute 

       During the Christmas and New Year season, I really enjoy the natural opportunities to soften our hearts, reflecting on 'God coming to us'. I invite you to consider the benefits of doing an 'Examen' on the past year, your life currently and the upcoming year. 

What am I most grateful for during the past year?
-       Go back over your 'gratitude' journal, adding what you are currently grateful for, especially as you reflect over the past year.

How has the last year been?  What were some of the challenges?
 -       Go back through your journals and notes from the year to remember your experiences, what you were learning and how the Lord was speaking to you. Notice themes and any highlights you want to continue into the New Year.

How did God bring me through?  What did I learn?  Am I closer to God now than I was a year ago? What is still left unfinished or undone?
-       Ask the Lord what He would like you to reflect on. Any particular events or relationships where He was teaching you, where He still wants you to learn and grow?    
Where am I on my life journey at this time?                                                    
What would I like to strengthen - what would I like to change - in all areas of my life?
-         Take some time to be quiet with the Lord, listening and allowing the Spirit to speak to you. This might include powerful questions, honest evaluations and bringing before Him your disappointments, discontent, hurts, confusion and longings. (Quizzes under the Resource section at  are designed to help you reflect.)  

What is my vision for the New Year - what do I sense the Lord calling me to?
-       Be attuned to your heart's desires, how the Lord is clarifying your focus, direction, specific goals, assignments and priority for your growth in vocation, character and relationships.  

Who will I include on my journey to 'do life with' in the New Year?
-        Who will you invite to be close to you, to be your friends and companions, enjoying life with you, providing strength for the journey? Who will be your coach, counselor, director or mentor? 

     After spending time reflecting over the past year, where you are on your journey now and direction for the New Year, be attuned to a 'word' or theme that you sense the Lord has for you in the New Year.   
What is your 'word' or theme for the new year?                              


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