The Journey--Part Four "Companions on the Way"
to a Journey ~ A Road Map to Spiritual Formation
M. Robert Mulholland & Ruth Haley Barton
Notes and writings on Spiritual Formation from the
Institute for Spiritual Formation, Biola University
Part Four: Companions on the Way
Lesson 1—Intro to Part 4
1. Opening
2. Spiritual
Formation—What is it?
· Christian Spiritual Formation—everybody is being
spiritually formed all the time. We want
to be in a position to be formed by Christ.
· Mulholland’s definition: “The process of being formed in the image of
Christ for the sake of others. “
3. Two Faces of
· Spirituality
as a Static Possession
· Information and techniques to achieve spiritual
· We are in control of our relationship with God
· Spirituality
as a Dynamic Growing toward wholeness in the image of Christ
· Increasing faithful response to God
· Holistic spirituality
· God is increasingly in control as we yield to Him
4. What is it
to “be formed” in the image of Christ
· Being formed vs. forming ourselves
· Grace vs. Law/ Spirit vs. Flesh
5. “…for the
sake of others”--- the WHY of the Journey
· “Isn’t it MY relationship with God that’s at stake
· “What do others have to do with MY spirituality?”
· What did Jesus say are the two greatest commandments? Matthew 22: 36-40
· What are some other places where scripture speaks
about our connection to others?
6. To allow
ourselves to be formed in the image of Christ—or not
· If you were asked to describe your Christian journey
to someone, what would you say?
· Do you think of yourself as being formed in the image
of Christ? Why?
· How do you feel about where you are on your Christian
· Are you “far enough” along? Are you satisfied with where you are?
· As far as it depends on you, is your relationship with
God “good enough”?
· Do you experience the Rivers of Living Water in your
· Are you at peace?
· When was the last time you eagerly shared your faith
with others? What do you remember about
that experience?
· Do you wonder if there is more?
· Why is it difficult to think about getting “back on
the horse” and forge ahead?
7. Swimming and
Floating—An Apologetic
8. Matthew
8. What does
our Christian walk do for others?
· Salt and Light—Matthew 5:11-13
· Reaching out in our own strength, or in the
Spirit—what’s the difference?
· The Body of Christ—Romans 12:5
Spiritual Gifts—I
Corinthians 12
relationships—Galatians 3:28
· The Rest of the World
The “Lost”—who
are they?
Dealing with
trials—how do they do it without Christ?
Rejection vs
Acceptance—Matthew 5:11-13; I Peter 4:14
Ambassadors for
Christ—2 Corinthians 5:20
9. Companions
on the Way
· “Brother, Sister Let Me Serve You”
· How we relate to Christ determines how we relate to
· How we relate to others determines how we relate to
10. Closing
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