The Journey--Part Four "Companions on the Way"

The Journey

Invitation to a Journey ~ A Road Map to Spiritual Formation
M. Robert Mulholland & Ruth Haley Barton
Notes and writings on Spiritual Formation from the
Institute for Spiritual Formation, Biola University

Part Four:  Companions on the Way

Lesson 1—Intro to Part 4

1.  Opening Prayer

2.  Spiritual Formation—What is it?
·      Christian Spiritual Formation—everybody is being spiritually formed all the time.  We want to be in a position to be formed by Christ.
·      Mulholland’s definition:  “The process of being formed in the image of Christ for the sake of others. “

3.  Two Faces of Christianity
·      Spirituality as a Static Possession
·      Information and techniques to achieve spiritual fulfillment
·      We are in control of our relationship with God

·      Spirituality as a Dynamic Growing toward wholeness in the image of Christ
·      Increasing faithful response to God
·      Holistic spirituality
·      God is increasingly in control as we yield to Him
4.  What is it to “be formed” in the image of Christ
·      Being formed vs. forming ourselves
·      Grace vs. Law/ Spirit vs. Flesh

5.  “…for the sake of others”--- the WHY of the Journey
·      “Isn’t it MY relationship with God that’s at stake here?”
·      “What do others have to do with MY spirituality?”
·      What did Jesus say are the two greatest commandments?  Matthew 22: 36-40
·      What are some other places where scripture speaks about our connection to others?
6.  To allow ourselves to be formed in the image of Christ—or not
·      If you were asked to describe your Christian journey to someone, what would you say?
·      Do you think of yourself as being formed in the image of Christ?  Why?
·      How do you feel about where you are on your Christian journey?
·      Are you “far enough” along?  Are you satisfied with where you are?
·      As far as it depends on you, is your relationship with God “good enough”?
·      Do you experience the Rivers of Living Water in your life?
·      Are you at peace?
·      When was the last time you eagerly shared your faith with others?  What do you remember about that experience?
·      Do you wonder if there is more?
·      Why is it difficult to think about getting “back on the horse” and forge ahead?

7.  Swimming and Floating—An Apologetic

8.  Matthew 25:31-46

8.  What does our Christian walk do for others?
·      Salt and Light—Matthew 5:11-13
·      Reaching out in our own strength, or in the Spirit—what’s the difference?
·      The Body of Christ—Romans 12:5
o   Spiritual Gifts—I Corinthians 12
o   Temperaments—Myers Briggs
o   Horizontal relationships—Galatians 3:28
·      The Rest of the World
o   The “Lost”—who are they?
o   Dealing with trials—how do they do it without Christ?
o   Rejection vs Acceptance—Matthew 5:11-13; I Peter 4:14
o   Ambassadors for Christ—2 Corinthians 5:20

9.  Companions on the Way
·      “Brother, Sister Let Me Serve You” 
·      How we relate to Christ determines how we relate to others.
·      How we relate to others determines how we relate to Christ. 

10.  Closing Prayer


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