Ch. 1-- The Way of Surrender


Chapter 1—The Way of Surrender

1.  Opening Prayer in a position of full pardon, full acceptance

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
2.  The Two Roads
            What are they?
            Which one do you usually follow?
            Where are you most likely to find God?
3.  Looking Within
            Why do we resist looking within?
            What do emotions have to do with spirituality?  What have we been taught?
            The pendular swing that happens in all systems
4. Let It Be
            What do we need before embarking on an inward journey with God?
            What is “the narrow gate”?
            Self-absorption vs. Surrender
            What is there to lose?
5.  The Cost of Nondiscipleship
            Counting the cost—Luke 14: 25-28
            Discipleship vs. Apprenticeship
            Grace Adolphsen Brame:  “This yes is an inner assent of the will.  It is a             willingness to receive the grace and the guidance of God. It can be so deep and        far-reaching as to cause a real conversion of life, a real repentance, a turning   
            around to go in a completely new direction.”
            Self-denial vs. Surrender—John Wesley and the Covenant Prayer p. 16
6.  The Imperfect Way
            We are travelers on a road few know, yet we are not alone.
            We need the Body to encourage each other along the way.
            Surrender to Christ is the only way to life deep in the kingdom of God.
7.  Hymns to encourage us:  Blessed Assurance; In the Garden 

8.  Soul Training Exercise, pp 20-21

9.  Closing Prayer


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