Finding the Heart’s True Home
by Richard Foster

Part 2— Moving Upward
Chapter 13—Meditative Prayer

“Meditation is the tongue of the soul and language of our spirit.” Jeremy Taylor


1. Chewing Our Spiritual Cud
         The cow chews grass over and over as it digests. It turns into rich, nourishing milk.
         The Word turns into nourishment for our souls as we digest it thoroughly.
         The Jogging Monk—Head to Heart

2.  The Wonderful Word of Life that lead us to the Word of Life.
         I am the Bread of Life.
         Internalize and personalize the passage
         Set aside arrogance, our own understanding
         Ponder the Word in our hearts like Mary did

3.  Kierkegaard: the “contemporaneity” of Scripture
         The past does not merely parallel the present, but intersects it in God’s eternal                              timeframe.

4. Sanctifying the Imagination
         God created our imagination and uses it to sanctify us.
         We meditate on scripture through our imaginations.
         Abstract meditation does not get to the heart and engage the emotions.
         Through our imagination and our senses we move from
                  Detached observation to
                  Active participation
         We must be in utter dependence on God—delight in His presence.
         We participate in the incarnation through Lectio Divina.
         Not dissecting, but entering in
         God imparts peace (shalom) through this process.

5.  Contrasting Eastern meditation and Christian meditation
         Biblical Meditative Prayer addresses our Will
                  Christ confronts us and asks us to choose—His will or ours
                  Repentance—life-transforming obedience—Christ at Gethsemane
                  No loss of identity, but retaining and strengthening our identity IN CHRIST
         Eastern/New Age Meditation
                  Self-will, personal power
                  Loss of identity to the Cosmos

6.  The Mind descends into the Heart
         Listening to the heart of the Holy within—Karl Barth
         Edifies and strengthens us within

7.   Great Devotional writers
         Not “pop” devotionals of today
         Gregory of Nyssa—The Life of Moses
         Confessions of St. Augustine
         The Little Flowers of St. Francis ( perfect joy, Canticle of the Sun)
         Juliana of Norwich—Revelations of the Divine
                  “In his love he wraps and holds us. He enfolds us for love, and he will never                    let us go.”
         Highly recommended: The Imitation of Christ
         Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians—James Gilchrist Lawson
         “Search for truth in holy writings, not in eloquence.” Thomas a Kempis

8.  God’s Beams of Love
         God addresses us personally – we don’t make it happen.
         Our normal response is to hide and cover due to guilt and shame from the Fall.
         Fortitude—the gift of the Fall—causes us to rise up in our own power, not seek                         God’s.
         Thomas Merton—We can’t do this  in our own strength or we will give up. We must                 pray for the grace and mercy of God to give us the desire and the strength.

9.  The Prayer Course—The Lord Is My Shepherd story

Closing Prayer
Lord, I seek now to meditate on your disturbing words “I came to bring fire to the earth” (Luke 12:49). What do you mean? What do they mean for me?
         Are there things in me that need to be burned out?...pride, fear, anger? Consume them, each one.
         Are there things in this world that you want destroyed—the systems of religion we use to hide from you—the artificial lines we draw that separate us from each other: black from white, men from women, parents from children—the terrible injustices done to the weak and the helpless—the unspeakable violence done to women and to unborn children?
         Forgive us, O Lord.
         For Jesus’ sake. -- Amen

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