Finding the Heart’s True Home
by Richard Foster

Part 3— Moving Outward
Chapter 16—Petitionary Prayer

“ Whether we like it or not, asking is the rule of the Kingdom.”
C. H. Spurgeon


1.       Our Staple Diet—not optional
         Every parent wants to be asked.  It drives connection.
         Petition is not a “lower” or inferior form of prayer.
         Neglecting petition in favor of more inward prayer is self-serving and the antithesis of what God intends.
         Our petitions are often self-serving and childish, but petition is the child-like    relationship that Jesus spoke about in terms of becoming part of the Kingdom.

2.  Unanswered Prayer
         A problem, an embarrassment
         P.T. Forsyth—“We shall come one day to a heaven where we shall gratefully know that God’s great refusals were sometimes the true answers to our truest prayer.”
         Our prayers are answered but we can’t see them sometimes.
         Our prayers might be bad for us the way we envision them.
         We are capable of infinite self-deception.

3.  Sin hinders our prayers
         It’s not that we aren’t good enough—that’s already established, but we get in our own way
         We lack God’s vision
         We lack the ability to wholly discern God’s heart
         We need to rely on the Holy Spirit and the Son interceding for us continually.

4.  Paternoster—The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)
         A “total” prayer
         Give:  Jesus is concerned with the minute daily necessities of human life
         Forgive:  We owe an enormous debt—parable of the evil servant
         Commission  and omission.
         As long as we can’t forgive, we won’t allow ourselves to be forgiven.
         Forgiveness is a commandment after the fashion of the Spirit: Make yourself open to the Spirit who will cause you to be able to forgive with His love.
         We won’t forget.  We may not reconcile.  But we must forgive.
         Deliver:  Evil=trials—God only tries us when He needs us to see our hearts.
         “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil”….
         Let there be nothing in me that will force you to reveal my heart through trial.
         This is why the Desert Fathers pursued God so fiercely—they sought out their sin so that there would be nothing left for God to try them about.

5.   Layers of Petition
         What are we told to pray for? 
         What do we often pray for? 
         What do we avoid praying for?
         Make a list of things you need to pray for. 
         Keep going until you exhaust everything God brings to mind.
         Start now, but you will probably need to add to it over several days.
         Keep the list where you can see it.

6.  Herbert Farmer:  “If prayer is the heart of religion, then petition is the heart of          prayer.”
Closing Prayer
Dear Father, I don’t want to treat you like Santa Claus, but I do need to ask things of you.  Give me, please, food to eat today.  I’m not asking for tomorrow, but I am asking for today.  Please forgive me for the infinite offenses to your goodness that I have committed today…this hour.  I’m not even aware of most of them.  That in itself is a sin against heaven.  I’m sorry.  Increase my awareness.
         In my ignorance if I have asked for things that would really be destructive, please, do not give them to me—do not lead me into temptation.  Do protect me from the evil one.
For Jesus’ sake-- Amen

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