Finding the Heart’s True Home
by Richard Foster

Part 3— Moving Outward
Chapter 17—Intercessory Prayer

“ Intercessory prayer is the purifying bath into which the individual and the fellowship must enter every day.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer


1.  Intercession is a way of loving others.
         Shifting our “center of gravity”  from our own needs to others.
         Nothing is more important that intercessory prayer.
         People need help.  Marriages, children, health, spiritual growth
         Many are living lives of “quiet desperation” with no hope, aimless
         We can make a difference if we will pray.

2.  A Priestly Ministry
         All Christians belong to the priesthood.
         As Christ intercedes for us, so we are to intercede for others.
         Moses and Joshua—both sides of the battle—one to pray, one to fight in the                             physical realm.      

3.  Christ, the Eternal Intercessor
         Romans 8:34
         Hebrews 7:25--- the Order of Melchizedek---Eternal priesthood
         John 13-17—the Upper Room discourse
         Jesus is leaving to take up His place at the right hand of the Father as our High                          Priest, and sending us the Holy Spirit to indwell us and be our link to                             intercession.
         Our ministry of intercession is made possible by Jesus’ ministry of intercession.
         Salvation is by faith alone, and so is intercession by faith in Christ alone.
         Jesus is our ticket to the throne of grace.
         The Holy Spirit praying within us straightens out our personal prayer.
         Jesus before the Father straightens out and cleanses our intercession.

4.  In the Name of Jesus
          Christians are commissioned to pray in the authority given to us by Christ.
         We pray in full assurance of the work of Christ on the cross—He gives us the                            “right” to be heard as a priest of His order—as a “son” of God.
         We pray in accord with the way and nature of Christ—as His ambassador—in unity                   with His nature.
         It’s not a formula—Simon Magnus (Acts 8:14-24), the 7 sons of Sceva (Acts 19:11-          16)
         We pray in Jesus’ nature by abiding in Him.  This is the key to living and praying in                   Christ.
         We need to abide in Him sufficiently that we know a counterfeit.  We need to know                   the Shepherd’s voice, immerse ourselves in the way of Christ so that we                         “smell” the Gospel.
         We can’t truly be known unless we allow someone to know us from the inside out.
         Think for minute if you have someone (or maybe had someone) who truly knows                      you?  Someone with whom you can “let it all hang out”?
         Do you allow God to truly know you?  Will you allow yourself to know Him?

5.  Persistence—Tenacity—Waiting on God
         Have you been discouraged at the results of your prayers for others?  What is your                    response to that discouragement?
         The mix of divine influence and human autonomy: no manipulation, no control;                         perfect freedom, perfect liberty.  Isaiah 55:8-11
         Why do we need to be persistent?  Doesn’t God hear us the first time?
         Jesus commands us to pray always and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1)
         Keep seeking, keep asking, keep knocking (Matt. 7:7)
         Supplication—to ask with earnestness, intensity, perseverance.
         Calvin—repeat supplications as often as necessary; “We must never be weary in                        waiting for God’s help.”
         Persistent prayer, then, is the practice of waiting on God, not impatience or unbelief.
         The fire on the altar is always lit—stamina and grit.

6.  Corporate Intercessory Prayer
         Intercessory Prayer multiplies faith, hope, and love.
         We need explicit agreement and visible union to have extraordinary prayer.
         Korea is a brilliant example of the corporate prayer model.
         Corporate intercessory prayer can bring about the fulfillment of the things that God                   wants to accomplish in this world.

7.  The Well-Being of Others
         We are responsible before God to pray for those God brings into our circle of                            nearness.
         Lists of people (like we made last week)
         Photo albums, drawings, Praying in Color
         George Buttrick recommends we start by praying for our enemies, then leaders in                     many walks of life.  It keeps us moving past our immediate surroundings.
         Foster’s approach:
         a.  Pray for immediate family
         b.  Wait quietly for God to bring others to mind.
         c.  Offer these to God, listening for guidance in how to pray.
         d.  Speak what seems appropriate in full confidence that God hears.
         e.  Stay with an individual or situation until “released”—make notes of things to                        remember or continue praying about.
         e.  Remain in silent prayer for a time.
         Ask people what you can pray about for them.
         Don’t overload your burden.  Ask for guidance in who you are to pray for—it’s a                     commitment.
         If you lack enthusiasm for intercession, pray that God will increase your love for                        others.
         You will find over time that you will begin to want people to enter into and receive           things that you can’t give them—and intercession will begin in your heart.

Closing Prayer
Gracious Holy Spirit, so much of my life seems to revolve around my interest and my welfare.  I would like to live just one day in which everything I did benefited someone besides myself.  Perhaps prayer for others is a starting point.  Hel me to do so without any need for praise or reward.
In Jesus’ name.  --Amen

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