The Journey

Invitation to a Journey ~ A Road Map to Spiritual Formation
M. Robert Mulholland & Ruth Haley Barton
Notes and writings on Spiritual Formation from the
Institute for Spiritual Formation, Biola University

Lesson 12--Chapter 6:  One-Sided Spirituality

Opening Prayer

1.  Our Personality Strengths and Spiritual Practices
Think of three activities that appeal to you in your spiritual walk
How do they relate to your personality type?
It’s Natural to gravitate to our Type, but we can over do it.

2.  Spiritual Tendencies
It’s not ‘wrong’ to want to relate to God in your strengths.  Much of the time it will be your most effective way of seeking God.
Think back to the most wonderful worship service or retreat you ever attended.  What were the things about it that appealed to you the most?  Why?

3.  How you minister/set up spiritual activities
If you are a strong IN, you will probably prefer solitude and silence. 
What will happen if you insist that the ES seek God this way?
Story on p. 73
We all have a way of relating to spirituality that is easy and fulfilling. 
It’s like Learning Styles—visual/auditory/kinesthetic

4.  One-sided spirituality
Limiting spiritual development to our strengths can hurt our spiritual growth in the long run
Our “’shadow side” may insist on being addressed eventually
Think about your opposite type, and how it could sabotage you if it’s neglected
This point cannot be over-emphasized!

5.  Disintegration
We must nurture our shadow side in all of our life, not just spirituality
Our walk with God can disintegrate over time without nurturing the shadow side
Two kinds of disintegration:
a) Disintegration of our spiritual pilgrimage—“Shipwreck of faith” (I Tim 1:19)
            Fall away from faith, practices disappear, abandon any pretense
            Stagnate—continue to participate in church but without any life—2 Tim.          3:5
b) An active “mask” and deceit of self and others
            Maintain the appearance of a vibrant, growing faith
            Lead a 2nd life of friendship with the world, indulging in brokenness.

Holistic spirituality is urgently the answer!
Begin reading Chapter 7

Cindy will be gone March 16 and 23
Resume March 30

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