The Journey

Invitation to a Journey ~ A Road Map to Spiritual Formation
M. Robert Mulholland & Ruth Haley Barton
Notes and writings on Spiritual Formation from the
Institute for Spiritual Formation, Biola University

Lesson 14—Part 3:  The Journey

Opening Prayer

1.  Developmental Christianity
·      Just as people develop physically and mentally in predictable patterns, so they also develop spiritually.

2.  Four Classical Stages
·      Awakening
·      Purgation
·      Illumination
·      Union

3.  Spiritual Seasons—Cycles of Growth
·      Spring
·      Summer
·      Autumn
·      Winter

4.  Spiritual Ages—I John, specifically 2: 12-14
·      Little Children
·      Young Men
·      Fathers

5.  Macro and Micro Development within the stages
·      Macro:  the overall, lifelong process of coming to know God
·      Micro: the incremental process of development in specific areas of growth
o   Turning vices into virtues in the Hidden Heart
o   Many part of our hearts moving at different speeds toward union

6.  Where is God?
·      God is close to us all the time. He never abandons us.
·      God may nurture us on demand and spoil us rotten
·      God may spotlight a certain aspect of our life to show us our hearts
·      God may withdraw into darkness to allow us time to discover the state of our hearts


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