The Journey

Invitation to a Journey ~ A Road Map to Spiritual Formation
M. Robert Mulholland & Ruth Haley Barton
Notes and writings on Spiritual Formation from the
Institute for Spiritual Formation, Biola University

Lesson 15—Chapter 8: The Classical Christian Pilgrimage

Opening Prayer—Mulholland p. 93

Developmental Spirituality Chart

1.  Awakening
·      Can be gradual or sudden
·      Two emotions can collide:
o   Comfort—God is here, all is well, I am loved
o   Threat—A good look at who I really am compared to God
·      Some people delay the awakening—hitting the spiritual snooze button
·      Don’t want to face the decision until life becomes so intense they can no longer ignore it

2.  The Spiritual Trial of Purgation/Desolation
·      God has given us the Lament Psalms to help pour our hearts out during these seasons of our lives
·      Psalm 22; 42; 13; 77; 88
·      Purgation is the beginning of Serious Sanctification, which in some form or another will always be with us because sin is always with us in this life.
·      There are degrees or layers of Sin—the onion example

3.  Behavior and What Is Behind It
·      God eventually calls to our attention not just the behavior, but the state of our heart behind the behavior—the Hidden Heart
·      Ex:  a car isn’t bad. But making an idol of it is.
·      Wanting more of God isn’t bad, but it can become Spiritual Gluttony

4.  Anxious Care
·      Most of us fall into this sin, which can consume us
·      We feel we must be in control
·      If we don’t worry about things, who will?, we ask.
·      This is truly a pervasive lack of Faith
·      God asks, “Will you trust me with this?  With your life? With your children’s lives?”
·      Romans 8: 35-39
·      Luke 22:42
·      John 16:33

5. Trusting God: A Radical Alternative
·      Phil 4:5
·      Galatians 2:20
·      Romans 13:14
·      Ephesians 4:22 ff –
            Put OFF the Old Self, put ON the New Self—the essential practice that    undergirds all of the spiritual disciplines
6.  Prayers of Intention
·      Most useful during this phase
·      Without Self-knowledge it is impossible to know God
·      Without knowledge of God, it is impossible to know the Self

7.  Article: “Musings on the Dark Night of the Soul” by John Coe
            Linked on the Blog
            Please read before next time



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